Free Notre Dame de l'Assomption actuelle chapelle du lycée Bonaparte RELIGIOUS HERITAGE Built in 1709 to house the Jesuits, this building has an atypical architecture for our region. Autun
Randonnée guidée le long de l'Arroux SPORTING ACTIVITIES Between ancient remains and industrial history, follow your guide along the Arroux. Autun
Château d'Alone-Toulongeon CASTLES AND DEFENSE SITES The remains of the Château, which was looted after the Revolution and then abandoned, are a reminder of its prestigious past. La Chapelle-sous-Uchon
10 € Full-fare Château de Morlet CASTLES AND DEFENSE SITES Morlet castle, dating from the 13th century to the present day, with its remarkable gatehouse, its mascarons and its English-style park. Morlet
Château de Sully CASTLES AND DEFENSE SITES "The most beautiful castle court in the kingdom of France... A jewel of the French Renaissance, the Château de Sully was the home of the Dukes of M... Sully
Eglise Saint-Pierre RELIGIOUS HERITAGE The church of Saint-Pierre dates from the 12th century with a Romanesque base. It underwent many transformations in 1685 and 1875. Auxy
Château d'Epiry CASTLES AND DEFENSE SITES Two stone lions guard the gate preceded by a bridge. Four round towers (14th century) protect the main building (15th, 18th century), which features m... Saint-Émiland
From 1 January until 31 December Visite guidée de la Cathédrale Saint-Lazare CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Guided tour of Saint-Lazare Cathedral in Autun: Romanesque architecture, sculptures by Gislebertus, pilgrimage in the Middle Ages. Autun
Free Château de Chissey-en-Morvan CASTLES AND DEFENSE SITES The first known master of Chissey, Eudes, in 1271, was the son of a lord of Roussillon. Abbot Doret, parish priest of Chissey at the end of the 19th... Chissey-en-Morvan
Abbaye Saint-Jean-Le-Grand (ancienne) RELIGIOUS HERITAGE Saint-Jean-le-Grand was a women's abbey founded in the Merovingian period. The Romanesque buildings have disappeared. The facades and roofs of the rem... Autun
Eglise Saint-Julien RELIGIOUS HERITAGE The site of Laizy is on the site of a Gallo-Roman villa owned by the bishop of Autun as early as the 6th century and donated to the cathedral in the e... Laizy
Eglise Saint-Pierre RELIGIOUS HERITAGE The small Romanesque church in Saisy dates back to the beginning of the 12th century. Saisy
Roman theatre remains ©Roman theatre remains |Aurélien Ibanez / ADT 71All our sites and places to visit