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Learning to use digital tools

This page has been created to help you, tourism activity providers, to use digital tools to enhance the value of your offers in terms of communication thanks to the tools available on the internet or made available by the Tourist Office. Transforming a portrait poster into a landscape so that your event added via Décibelles Data is correctly displayed on the sites, how to properly reference your offers on Décibelles Data but also…. WHY DECIBELLES DATA?

Céline, in charge of digital projects and communications at the Office de Tourisme du Grand Autunois Morvan, tells you all about it!

Getting to know online tools


Why use Décibelles Data and what’s it for?

  • 1 single database to feed all sites, on a regional scale
  • Ease the standardization, updating and distribution of your information : Fill in your data once for all the sites connected to the platform
  • A form of independence: no need to contact your tourist office, town hall or other organization to update all your data. Décibelles Data gives you access via a professional extranet to your offers, their modification and the addition of new offers. It’s very practical to be able to access your data and decide when you want to add a new photo or change your contact email address.

Logo Route 71Logo La Bourgogne Fnd Blanc CarréLogo Gam1200x680 Logo BfcLogo Prmlogo des Offices de Tourisme de France-QUADRI

decibellesdata 16 01motion fullhd
decibellesdata 16 01motion fullhd
présentation de la plateforme
  • What does 1 single database mean?

    A bank of digitally stored information that contributors feed and authorize to be distributed on digital or printed media via feeds. As a result, if the author of a website aimed at the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region wishes to draw on useful information for his site, he requests access to the feeds.

    For example, the Autun Town Hall and CCGAM sites draw on this data to feed the agenda section of their site, or the Office de Tourisme du Grand Autunois Morvan for its entire site.

  • How does it work?

    The offers are organized by slips bringing together similar categories.

    In order to organize the dissemination of data on the sites, it’s important to understand that slips section the offers by theme: sports and cultural activities ≠ festivals and events ≠ sites and places to visit ≠ local produce ≠ shops and services ≠ organizations and businesses.

    Certainly, we don’t all interpret them in the same way, but we had to choose a certain organization to standardize communication from all the sites at the same time on common themes.

    example: on all the sites, the diaries bring up offers classified as festivals and events.

  • Why work this way?

    If Peter has added his event to activities, Paul to parties and events and James to sites and places to visit because his party takes place in a castle, then the user can no longer find his way around the site since the events are scattered and lost across the sites. Slips are used to filter by offer category.

    Beyond the slips, we have tabs inside the offers differentiating categories of information (description / contacts / dates / administrative information, etc.).

    These fields, headings and tabs can be used to filter offer types according to their theme, validity period, rates, etc. This is why it’s so important to be able to filter offers according to their theme, validity period and rates. This is why it’s important to reference your offers as much as possible. If they correspond to the theme of the filtered pages, then they will be visible. If the information isn’t indexed, it won’t appear on the page, or in Internet users’ filter searches.

  • Which slips can I access?
    • Sports and cultural activities
    • Crafts
    • Shops and services
    • Festivals and events
    • Group accommodation
    • Hotels
    • Hotels de plein air
    • Organisations and businesses
    • Local produce
    • Restaurants
    • Sites and places to visit

    Please note: none of these slips allows you to add an offer for a meublé de tourisme or a chambre d’hôte. To add an offer in the appropriate slip (rental accommodation), first request your Siret number and make your declaration at the town hall, then contact to add your offer.

  • Why can't I add a new rental accommodation offer?

    You can’t add your gîte, chambre d’hôtes or meublé de tourisme by yourself, as we need your declaration to the town hall and the receipt from the town hall in order to add your new accommodation.

  • How do I get a pro extranet?

    First of all, you need to have an offer to propose: a gîte, a chambre d’hôte, a business, an activity, etc.

    For a gîte or chambre d’hôtes, you need to make your declaration at the town hall and email it to the tourist office, specifying:

    • your rates
    • your opening periods over the current year,
    • the name and exact address of the establishment
    • an email and public telephone + your contact details to be used internally with the OT if you wish them to be different

    Forevents: use the form and send an email to the tourist office to request the opening of a pro extranet, specifying the email address you wish to use to manage your pro extranet.

    For other service providers, send an email to the tourist office with the following information:

    • type and/or theme of service
    • public and private contact details if different
    • opening periods and times, name of service/company
    • exact address where service is based.


How do I add an event if I don't have a pro extranet?
How do I add an event if I don't have a pro extranet?
DECIBELLES DATA Comment annoncer ma manifestation quand je n'ai pas encore d'extranet pro ? MAJ 2024
  • go to the OT website
  • click on “visit and move” then “all the agenda
  • scroll down the page to the section “announce your events
  • click on “the form”
  • enter your data as shown in the video audio
  • click on “validate”
  • if you want a pro extranet, ask for it at


  • All fields with a red *
  • 1 photo (landscape if possible)
  • Mandatory photo credit NAME + First name of the person who made the visual
How do I add an event if I have a pro extranet?
How do I add an event if I have a pro extranet?
Comment ajouter une manifestation si j'ai déjà un extranet pro ?
  • RDV on the pro extranet
  • log / click on 1st connection if password forgotten
  • click on “add an offer” or go and find an old offer in “my offers”
  • enter your information or modify the info for your old event (check that the T&C are signed for old offers)
  • click on “save and exit” to send your offer for validation

Requirements :

  • all fields with a red *
  • click in the drop-down menu and select the address rather than writing it by hand
  • check if the geographical position on the cartography is correct
  • repeat the dates well in “event dates” + in “Free text dates”
  • use calendar mode for recurrence
  • rates, even if free
  • contact details : well select direct booking
  • 1 photo (landscape if possible)
  • photo credit required NAME + First name of person who made the visual
How to use calendar mode Extranet Pro
How to use calendar mode Extranet Pro
comment utiliser le mode calendrier ? extranet pro Décibelles Data

When you get to the “characteristics” tab (of your event)

  • click on the “calendar mode”
  • click anywhere
  • select the recurrence start date and event start time and select the same date for the end date and change the end time
  • in recurrence, click on the drop-down menu to select your recurrence: daily / weekly / monthly / yearly
  • you can add weeks if this takes place every 2, 3, 4, weeks rather than every week
  • check the day(s) of the recurrence
  • choose the recurrence end date by checking “on” in the “until”


RESTAURANTS: How can I promote my establishment?
RESTAURANTS: How can I promote my establishment?
RESTAURANTS - Comment bien indexer mon offre ?
  • RDV on the pro extranet
  • log in / click on 1st login if password forgotten
  • click on “my offers”
  • click on your restaurant’s file
  • modify the info by following the instructions explained in the video
  • click on “save and exit” to send your offer for validation

Requirements :

  • fill in all fields with a red title
  • click on the drop-down menu and select the address rather than writing it by hand
  • check that the geographical position on the map is correct
  • repeat the dates entered in “opening reception” + in “free text opening/closing”
  • prices menu of the day / adult menu / children’s menu
  • contact details : well select direct booking
  • 1 photo minimum (preferably landscape)
  • credit photo mandatory = NAME + First name of the person who made the visual
Comment mettre à jour mon offre sur Décibelles Data ?
  • RDV on the pro extranet
  • log in / click on 1st login if password forgotten
  • click on “my offers”
  • click on your establishment’s details
  • modify the info by following the instructions explained in the video
  • click on “save and exit” to send your offer for validation

Requirements :

  • pass over each tab to check that all the headings or fields written in red are filled in
  • modify the opening dates and times both in “home opening” and in “free text opening/closing”
  • make sure to modify the year of validity for the current year
  • check and modify rates if they no longer correspond to your services
  • check and modify contact details if they have changed and select “direct booking”
  • refresh your offer by adding new photos if possible, you can now choose the season for the offers, which will enable websites to match the colors of the current season
  • photo credit = mandatory NAME + First name of the person who made the visual


TOUS LES BORDEREAUX: How to index opening dates and times?
TOUS LES BORDEREAUX: How to index opening dates and times?
Quels sont les champs prévus pour les dates et horaires d'ouverture ?
  • RDV on the pro extranet
  • log in.vous / cliquez sur 1ère connexion si mot de passe oublié
  • click on “mes offres”
  • click on your establishment’s / event’s sheet
  • click on “coordonnées et accueil”
  • fill in the “Ouverture accueil” + “Ouverture/Fermeture en texte libre” sections, not forgetting the year of validity
  • click on “enregistrer et quitter” to send your offer for validation


  • at least one opening period for each section
  • add different opening periods in the “home opening” section if your opening times vary throughout the year
  • add only one occurrence per year: all opening and closing periods in “free text” format must be indexed in the same field.

To be continued:

  • add a widget to your website
  • how does the pro extranet work? Presentation


Use Canva for my communications: create posters, post visuals on social networks, make storys, reels, brochures, presentations, etc.

A multitude of proposals are to be made on Canva to facilitate the realization of your communication tools.


How to create a Canva account

(video without sound)

To create a free account, you must :

First of all, you must have an email address or a Facebook account or a Google account in order to create your login and receive the email address confirmation code.

  • type “Canva” into Google
  • click on “sign up for free”
  • choose a way to log in (Facebook account , Google account, via an email address) an account name and password
  • validate
  • go get your confirmation code from your email box
  • Terminated!!

How to transform a portrait poster into landscape in 3 MINUTES?

(video without sound)

To transform a visual into another format with Canva :

  • open your visual
  • click on “resize”
  • write your dimensions
  • click on COPY AND RESIZE to keep your old visual + create a new file on which you can rework your visual in the new format
  • move your elements to reoccupy the space to your liking
  • export your visual by clicking on “share”, choose your format (.jpg / .png / .pdf / etc.) and download

Please note that this function, which helps you resize while creating a copy of your project, is only available with a paid version.
With the free version, you can open a new project with landscape dimensions, copy your elements from the portrait project then paste onto the new landscape project. Reposition to your liking, and voilà! Just as fast, if less convenient.

How do you create a poster from scratch?
How do you create a poster from scratch?
CANVA - Comment créer une affiche à partir de rien ?
To create a visual with Canva :
  • log in to your Canva account
  • click on “create a new design”
  • write your dimensions, click on create
  • help yourself to the tabs in the black strip on the side as shown in the video and develop your creativity
  • watch the following video to find out how to export your visual
  • tip: note the credit (your name / first name) in the name of your visual so that your present or future colleagues know the credit for its use


How do you create a poster from scratch?
How do you create a poster from scratch?
CANVA - Comment télécharger sa création ?
To download a visual with Canva :
  • go to your visual by clicking on it from your Canva home
  • click on “SHARE”
  • click on “DOWNLOAD”
  • choose your file type: JPG, PNG, PDF (JPG or PNGfor Décibelles Data)
  • click on “DOWNLOAD”
How do I create a poster from a template?
How do I create a poster from a template?
CANVA - Comment créer un visuel à partir d'un modèle ?
To create a visual with Canva from a template :
  • log in to your Canva account
  • click on “create a new design”
  • write your dimensions, click on create
  • help yourself to the tabs in the black strip on the side as shown in the video and develop your creativity
  • search the corresponding video in the playslist if you don’t know how to export your visual
  • tip: note the credit (your name / first name) in the name of your visual so that your present or future colleagues know the credit for its use



Social networks are tools that we’re starting to know a lot about by now. It’s fair to say that today, a company automatically uses social networks to communicate about its products and services, and it’s even one of its main communication channels. Social networks are designed to disseminate information, and provide you with a range of tools that are easy for you to use, and recognizable by the user.

These tools themselves have a snowball effect in the dissemination of content, such as the hashtag (#) or the tag (@), and provoke interaction.

I’ve chosen the attached videos to show you from different angles the impact your work on this type of media coverage can have for your company

Les réseaux sociaux, un atout pour les entreprises
Les réseaux sociaux, un atout pour les entreprises
Les réseaux sociaux, un atout pour les entreprises
  • In short, how does a social network work?

    Social networking is based on a programmed algorithm whose aim is to bring up the most popular information first. If you’re still following me, you’ll quickly understand that it’s a race for popularity. But after all, isn’t that usually the goal of a company, a public figure or any organization wishing to develop its activities?

  • Why be visible?

    Popularity = interest. Interest = sales. Sales = more money. More money, Development.

    Social networks are an available way, which you can work on in order to make your way into the algorithm and become popular:

    Interesting content = views. Views = likes, comments, shares. Likes, comments, shares = subscriptions. Subscriptions = popularity. Popularity = visibility. Visibility = authority. Authority = Interest. Interest = monetization. Monetization = more money. More money, Development.

    Development, success, wealth, perpetuate, sustainability!

  • What can we learn from the videos?

    It’s not about identifying yourself with these multinational business leaders, which is not the intended setting. The report is interesting on the figures and the different uses of each network. It can also be interesting to identify personalities who can leave a mark on people’s minds in order to benefit your establishment’s reputation.

    Example in the tourism context with a place to visit: we can think that since François Mitterrand’s visit to the Roche de Solutré, the place has since benefited from a much greater reputation than it would have had without this media coverage of a popular personality.

    Popularity is measured by authority. One strategy is to invite the authority of other accounts/personalities to one’s account/establishment.

    The second video aims to understand why networks have become so important with the change in working environment engendered by the health crisis.

Réseaux sociaux : si important pour l'entreprise ??
Réseaux sociaux : si important pour l'entreprise ??
Réseaux sociaux : si important pour l'entreprise ??


Tutorials are under construction. Coming soon:

  • how to create a Facebook page?
  • how to create a post on your Facebook page?
  • how to share other publications on your Facebook page?
  • how to use Instagram VS Facebook?
  • how and what to post on Instagram?
  • what tools are available and how to use them?

If you have any needs, you can make suggestions to me at
