restaurants autun place du champ de mars @celine bacconnet (4)©restaurants autun place du champ de mars @celine bacconnet (4)All our restaurantsAutun ©les Coflocs (20)©Autun ©les Coflocs (20)All our religious monumentsBed & Breakfast Plessis Helene Fortin ©les Coflocs (17)©Bed & Breakfast Plessis Helene Fortin ©les Coflocs (17)Book my accommodationAutun ©les Coflocs (20)©Autun ©les Coflocs (20)Guided toursMountain bike ©yannick Lavesvre Les Coflocs (44)©Mountain bike ©yannick Lavesvre Les Coflocs (44)Bicycle rentalHotel Fortin ©les Coflocs (4)©Hotel Fortin ©les Coflocs (4)HotelsGallo-Roman heritage©Gallo-Roman heritage|V.legoffHeritageQuartier Medieval ©céline Champcourt (2)©Quartier Medieval ©céline Champcourt (2)Shops and servicesMusee Rolin Autun Entree Celine Champcourt Otgam©Musee Rolin Autun Entree Celine Champcourt OtgamMuseums in Autunois MorvanAuberge De La Grousse ©les Coflocs (15)©Auberge De La Grousse ©les Coflocs (15)To gohow to get to autun©how to get to autun|Céline BacconnetComing and goingPhotographs Tourist Office of Grand Autunois Morvan (© Aurélie Stapf - photographer)©Photographs Tourist Office of Grand Autunois Morvan (© Aurélie Stapf - photographer)|Aurélie StapfAll our walks