Conférence : La néolithisation de la Bourgogne Franche-Comté, par A. Denaire, Docteur en Préhistoire, Université de Bourgogne
Culture and tradition, Culturel, History, Professional, Conference
in Autun
The Neolithic marks a major change in human history. Animal husbandry and agriculture gradually replaced hunting and gathering.
This talk will focus on the Neolithic, the last period of prehistory, and more specifically its beginnings in what is now the Burgundy Franche-Comté region, between around 5300-4500 BC.
The main change during this period was the arrival of agriculture and animal husbandry in our regions. We will discuss migration and acculturation, hunter-gatherers and farmer-breeders, ceramics and stone tools, palaeogenetics and archaeology.
Three bibliographical titles:
Guilaine J. (2023) L'aube des...This talk will focus on the Neolithic, the last period of prehistory, and more specifically its beginnings in what is now the Burgundy Franche-Comté region, between around 5300-4500 BC.
The main change during this period was the arrival of agriculture and animal husbandry in our regions. We will discuss migration and acculturation, hunter-gatherers and farmer-breeders, ceramics and stone tools, palaeogenetics and archaeology.
Three bibliographical titles:
Guilaine J. (2023) L'aube des moissonneurs. Du néolithique en particulier et de l'archéologie en général, Verdier Histoire, 2023, 192 p.
Demoule J.-P. (dir.; 2023) La révolution néolithique dans le monde. Biblis, 2023, 504 p.
Collective (2021) Néolithique. Les villages de Chalain & Clairvaux, patrimoine de l'humanité. Exhibition catalogue, 2021, 140 p.
Expensive, but a must-have for Franche-Comté:
Pétrequin P., Pétrequin A.-M. (2021) La Préhistoire du Jura et l'Europe néolithique en 100 mots-clés. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, Les cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux, Dynamiques territoriales, Besançon, 2021, 3 volumes, 1938 p.
And since I do ethnoarchaeology :
Ramseyer D. (2023) Quand l'ethnologie bouscule l'archéologie. Un autre regard sur les habitats lacustres néolithiques, 2023, 178. Alphil Histoire, 2023, 178 p.
And above all, I insist, these works are disasters that should never have been published:
Grenouillau O. (2024) Le Néolithique, La Bibliothèque à Remonter le Temps, 2024, 128 p.
Lehoërff A. (2023) Le Néolithique, Que sais-je ?, 2023, 128 p.
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- On September 19, 2024 from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM